Friday night we roll into our motel which is located a mile from Just's house. Even though the sign clearly read Robin Hood Motel, Kim makes the executive decision to rename it the Throbbing Wood Hotel. Which, in hindsight, was very appropriate. Our room housed the largest porn mirror next to the bed that I had ever seen.
First thing we do Saturday morning is to find the local diner for a hot, greasy breakfast. Any town worth it's salt has one of these. While I'm enjoying my meat packed omelet, Kim gets up from the bar and approaches the one and only, Santa Claus, who came in to enjoy a meal of his own. He was very gracious. And, even though he turned down Kim's request for a pony, he did give him a business card. Come to find out, Santa is sponsored.
With enough food in our bellies to winter an adult male bear, we head back to the Throbbing Wood to begin our day on bikes.
First and foremost, we hit the truck show going on a mile from our motel. While I was digging the old trucks, I couldn't help but notice that our server from the diner was the same dude in this poster. I can say with all honesty that hipsters are alive and well in Saratoga.
After checking out some wicked trucks we moseyed down to the rail trail and hunkered down on Turtle Rock to adjust our goofy boots. We had a long day of debauchery planned and it was time to get prepped!

I can't speak for anyone else but, my favorite part about riding is the crazy things you see along the way. For instance, this guy. Someone welded a bunch of scrap metal together to come up with this little scenario. I can't fathom why someone would do that but I'm thankful they did!
Cute, quaint and over priced is what I would call it. On a scale of 1-to-5 , I'd give it a 3. Unfortunately, these pricey beverages only left us thirsty. The noon hour had already passed and we still had many miles to travel.
Back on the wheel, it wasn't long until we rolled upon this sight. It gave me a powerful thirst!
High Rock Distillary hit the spot! After our liquid lunch, we noticed the temperatures were dropping. At this point we needed to decide to push on or head back to the Throbbing Wood Motel. We were losing daylight and no one was equipped to ride in the dark.
So, we did what any sane person would do and headed out to The Saratoga Winery
& Tasting Room. We did not taste, though. Like the true gluttons we are, we procured a bottle of wine and proceeded to polish it off.
By the way, this place was awesome!
We'd fooled around enough. It was getting dark and cold, and I was powerful hungry. We hustled back to town to prepare for dinner. Just was taking us to one of his favorite watering holes, Nanola's. I don't even remember what I had but the beer was so good. When I had finished that tap, I tried another and lo and behold, that one was good as well!
We decided to hang out a little longer when this band, Funk Evolution, started to play. I will admit that I haven't had this much fun in a very long time! This band is fucking awesome! I laughed; I drank, I danced with a chubby old cowboy and had the time of my life. Granted, I paid for it the next day.
I really have to thank Just Whitt for the guided tour. Saratoga Springs is a gorgeous area to ride. On the 1-to-5 scale I would have to give it an 11! Next year, I'd like to go back with a posse of friends!