It's always interesting to sit back after time has passed and evaluate a situation. This always seems like a good time to go over the could'a; would'a, should'as. I had no idea that Kim breaking his leg would have such a huge impact on the STS team as a whole.
The BMX season went into hibernation, and, if it ever came out I've yet to hear about it.
The real heroes on the team this year turned out to be Mully and Gehen. Despite losing a valued rider they kept the wheel to the ground and covered many a mile on road. Mully's moment of glory went mostly unnoticed. In late spring he pulled a 173 mile day in the saddle. The only thing keeping him from hitting his goal of 200 was the lack of daylight. Due to shitty weather all summer, he never got the chance to complete his goal. How many miles he logged all together this year, I have no clue. But, I do know this, no one is more dedicated than Jamie Antosh.
I had the pleasure of riding to Dryden with Gehen sometime around June. Followed by Awesome Austin and a busted up Kim we hit the Dryden Hotel for a few bevvies and peddled our asses back home. It was our first attempt at filming a ride. Needless to say, we have a lot of learning yet to do!
In August we moved headquarters to a better location. We are now in closer proximity to the Cortland and Ithaca area cutting our travel time in half.
Come October, Justin Austin was shipped off for basic training and Mattie G. had transplanted himself in NC. Half of our production crew evaporated.
Hanson also managed to break his leg riding park. Although they had almost identical breaks, Hanson's recovery time was half of Kim's.
Hippy, Jammer, Jose and Josh did their own thing. I hardly saw hide nor hair of them.
Monkey relocated to MD for a career opportunity. And, don't even get me started on Tommy B.!
Am I missing anyone? As for myself, the summer flashed by in a blink of an eye. By the time Kim was back on his feet fall had arrived. I'm glad to say he is officially, "back." At least, according to Mully.
It's been a very interesting year and I'm looking forward to 2012. Although, things will be different, I have the utmost confidence they will still be kick ass! I'm ready for whatever changes may come our way. That's the beauty of the club. Regardless of what happens, we always make the most of it. And, we always will! Maybe some things never change...